Tuesday, November 6, 2012

90 Days to the Apocalypse -- Day 66

If I don't write stuff down I forget what I've done pretty quickly.  For example, I ran a couple of DFB's on my baby plant/na troller, whose name is... Summerland Fairy, I think, or Earthdreamer, I forget exactly.  This is one of those characters that I know I don't have time to play up to significant levels because I have too many other projects to complete, but at least I got a few levels in and started to get a feel for how much fun plant/na could be.  The problem?  I can't even remember if I did this last night, or maybe Sunday or Saturday.

What I know for certain is that I played more with costumes for my buffbot girl collection, and I did run a couple of DFB's last night on Storm Girl Ten.  Storm is one of those sets that I've never really played, and she's paired with water blast which I still think is an awesome fun set to play.  So I want to play her up a bit higher and have fun with that character.

After that I joined a Moonfire with Travail, and for that I played Brute Girl Zero again, and got to level 27.  I should be able to start to IO her out now, at least initial things like a Numi and Miracle unique and Performance Shifter proc.  That will help with endurance, and I want to get some defense on the character soon too, willpower is just too squishy without IO help.

That was about my evening.  On the NaNoWriMo front, I managed to complete one Grandpa Anarchy story of about a thousand words or less.  I'm trying to write one Grandpa Anarchy short story a day, and so far I've started a new one each day but only completed the one.  One other is almost complete, and the others need more work.  But getting any writing at all done is something of a success.  ^_^

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