Saturday, October 27, 2012

90 Days to the Apocalypse -- Day 57

This morning I checked the auction house to see if anyone had bought an excalibur recipe recently.  They had, for 1.6 billion influence!  This was important, because I had a 1.6 billion influence bid on that recipe with Sparks Fly.  :D  There haven't been any for sale, I was even thinking I should up my bid to 2 billion to be certain, but I didn't need to.

Hey, it's play money and I have tons of it and it's all worthless in a month, so why not?

So Saturn Princess has a shiny new excalibur sword now.  I spent some time adjusting most of her costumes to reflect this.

Today was the day I set out to get the Halloween Haunted House badges for Mouse Police.  I convinced three friends to join up, and we ran a badge run.  One person hadn't done it before (and I'd only done it a couple of times last year) so we did it the slow way.  I really love that map, it's pretty danged cool.

And the monster you fight at the end is cool too.  Plus I'd forgotten that one of the rewards was the bat change emote.  I have a vampire brute -- Mina Evangeline -- who I figured should have that.  One person in one of the global channels I'm in wanted to do a run so he could video record it -- he's been trying to document as much of the game as he could -- so three of us decided to run it again, and I alted to Mina.

And then... the guy that wanted to record it wouldn't answer to any tells or channel chat.  :/  We had another person who wanted to join, so one of the three left decided to bow out, but then since we couldn't get the fourth guy -- the one we were actually trying to run it for -- to join, we had to find another person, and that took forever.  Finally one of our friends took pity on us and joined, and we made another successful run.

Right after that Freaky was starting up a Doctor Q task force.  He's once again doing all the shard TFs over the weekend -- this is his third or fourth time since Sept 1st.  And there are still people who have never done them that want to join, so we had at least two on our run I think.  It was like the Doc Q always is -- 3 hours and 28 minutes long, nothing really spectacular except the length.  I got into an argument with Freaky on the 18th mission because he said he'd been counting and we were on mission 20, but I had my Paragonwiki open on my laptop so I knew I was right.  I also almost had an argument with someone else about whether a rogue clicking on an Ouro portal woudl have kicked them from the team.  That happens on Dr. Khan, always, even visiting RWZ or Dark Astoria will do  It's a known bug with the Khan TF.  But it's not normal for that to happen on other TFs, I've done it or seen it done on multiple TFs without actually being kicked.  In  fact I've been on a Manticore where the leader did that, and it spawned the next mission redside, and we were lucky to have 3 or maybe it was 4 rogues on the team who could get there and run it, but it was excruciatingly slow without the full team.

Anyway we had a rogue on the team, and he almost clicked on my Ouro portal, and we were 19 missions into the TF, and I said, "I don't think it would kick you from the team, but I wouldn't want to test the theory."  But one moron insisted several times that it WOULD kick him from the team, no ifs, ands, or buts.  I hate people that are absolutely right based on no evidence whatsoever.  Has he seen someone kicked from a Doc Q before in that manner?  If you haven't then you don't know for certain.  Anyway I know this guy from our global channels, but I had to stop and 1-star him for being a know-it-all idiot, people that argue with no facts just drive me up the wall.

Later I joined some incarnate trials with Mouse Police, who I've really never incarnated much.  I didn't know any of the people running this, and I was not expecting great results.  We did a BAF that went okay, some prisoners escaped so we only got the badge for completion which Mouse already had.  We had too many people for a Lam so we did a TPN, and this went spectacularly well -- everyone was very quick and efficient and we got the Mo TPN badge!  I know it's one of the easiest Mo's to get but still, I was really happy about that, that's like five new badges total.  Then we ran a Keyes even though the leader said he didn't know how to run one and nobody else volunteered, so once again I wasn't expecting much but it went pretty well.  I got the badge for completing that, and I got badges for unlocking my Judgment and Interface slots.  I finished the day with 1212 badges on Mouse.

After that I would have liked to run a Lam, we were down to 16 people, but the stupid leader kept inviting more so they decided to run a BAF again.  I bowed out and took a break.  When I came back in the evening, I did some trick or treating on Saturn Princess, but I felt really tired (I'd been up quite early) so I decided to call it a night.

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