Tuesday, September 18, 2012

90 Days to the Apocalypse -- Day 18

I didn't get any good pictures from tonight, but here's what we did:  a Katie Hannon Task Force, for which I brought Forest Goddess, who is now my main focus to get to level 50.  By the end of the task force she was 39, so we're doing okay.

I play so many scrappers and brutes (who can pretty much all tank) that I sometimes wonder if we'll be okay if I bring something else.  Often when I decide to play a defender, we have five of them, or when I pick a blaster there are three others and two corruptors.  But tonight I was one of two nature affinity defenders and the rest of the team was melee except for a blaster.  Anyway, this game really doesn't care what you bring most of the time as long as you're a good player and/or you've built your character well.

And there was one point on the last Mary MacComber wave where nearly the whole team was dead or at a sliver of health, but I was at more than 50% health because I'd chewed a bunch of inspirations.  Tanking fender, go!  But we avoided the team wipe and pulled through.  The rest of the TF, of course, is more tedious than thrilling or dangerous, especially leading the hostage out of the caves that are invariably 100 miles deep and twisty like a copyright lawyer.  That's another thing to be angry about the game closing:  they never fixed Katie Hannon correctly.  It's still too much work for too few merits.

Right after the TF we looked for Eochai and Jack in Irons and found both battling each other.  We got 4 merits for killing them, but only the Giantkiller badge.  And.. 50 feet North of where we killed them, we found both of them again killing each other.  I've never seen that, we could have had a four-way fight if we'd realized.  Again, 4 merits, but no badge for Eochai.

A bit later we ran a Numina, the WST this week.  I switched to Princess Ozma since we needed a higher level to run it.  It went well, we finished in 52 minutes with only 4 deaths.  Now Ozma only needs a Manti for Task Force Commander.

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