Saturday, November 17, 2012

90 Days to the Apocalypse -- Day 78

WARNING:  There will be SSA 2 spoilers!  If you haven't played these arcs yet... well ya got two weeks left!

This morning I did some PLing of Sonic Girl Seven.  I pushed her from 47 up to 49.3, within striking distance of 50 on a good Task Force.  I haven't played her in ages but I figure I should actually be playing her when she hits 50.

I paused in the middle of that to help CA take out Adamastor in Sharkhead Isles.  Afterwards he joined me for my PL session on a plant/nature troller and got about 3 levels or so I think.

Later I decided to do some of the things I've been meaning to do for a while -- starting with running Dilithium Flower through the SSA 1.7 missions so that I could take some pictures of her in space.  So here we go:

I got some nice full-sceen pictures too that I won't post here.  This post is going to be picture-heavy as is.

After this I ran SSA 2.3 and 2.4 on Princess Ozma, only pausing part way through 2.4 to join the days Hami Raid.  (The raid went super smoothly, I used Trinkets for this, my aoe-heavy fire/shield scrapper that I PL with, she's not especially well suited to fighting Hami, but I wanted to bring someone different.)

Anyway I'd run SSA 2.3 and 2.4 before but only as a team member of Pyro, so I wanted to run them solo myself and be the star.  I still like the big lab at the end of 2.4, and the big reveal.

I confront Mako (and then beat him up of course).

They really should have just let you kill her...

Fighting godling thingys.

Princess Ozma confronted by Nemesis!  Oh noes!

After this, I went straight to Beta and ran SSA 2.5.  Now, you may have heard me say before that this game doesn't have enough giant robots -- especially giant robots that move.  Everything would be better with giant robots!  Crimson's arc?  Painful, but you get a giant robot for a reward!  Synapse?  Also painful, but Babbage is awesome!  Sutter?  Lots of giant robots!  Yay!  Hess Task Force?  That giant robot needs to walk across Striga attacking people!  ITF?  It's an awesome task force, but those giant robots need to come alive!

So the ending of the second SSA arc gets a big thumbs up from me.  But first!  I defended Atlas Park with the Freedom Phalanx, and discovered that Back Alley Brawler is one of the worst aggro-maagnets in the game.  He runs across the map to attack everything he sees, it's a wonder he didn't die.

Positron, meanwhile, does virtually nothing but watch.

But then!  Final mission!  And what do we get?  A FREAKING HUGE NEMESIS ROBOT!  WOOOOHOOOO!

I took a lot of pictures, I couldn't help it!

I have absolutely no complaints.  ^_^

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