Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fifty Fifties -- 36 Mia Nevermore

36 Mia Nevermore

Mia was really my only Master Mind.  In the final days I PL'd a beast MM named Dog Aggro up to level 16, but didn't get to play him, and I'm quite sure I didn't have any other MM that was higher than level 4 or 5.  So Mia was it.  Even at that, I got her up into the 40's and then she was stuck there for years because, when it came right down to it, the whole MM style of play really wasn't my thing.  She was bots/dark, which was a very good combination... but I was a fan of melee and action, and being a MM is all about letting your pets do most of the work.  I never warmed up to the idea.

Mia was my only 50 villain on my second account -- that I had actually leveled up redside anyway.  I had plans to take her heroside, but I only went rogue and never full hero.

I used her on Colbolt Avenger's all-MM ITF, which was a whole lot of fun.  I finally got around to getting her to 50 in the Spring of 2012, during a double experience weekend I think.  I wanted at level 50 of every AT, which I managed to do, but I pretty much swore I'd never play another MM and that turned out to be the case.

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